Mr Jan Hommen Reed Elsevier PLC 1-3 Strand London WC2N 5JR xx February 2007 Dear Mr Hommen ARMS FAIRS AND ACADEMICS We are an international group of academics who are extremely concerned about Reed Elsevier's involvement in organising major arms fairs in the UK and around the world. We rely on our academic work to be disseminated chiefly by means of books and peer-reviewed articles, a significant share of these via Reed Elsevier publications. Being both contributors and (unpaid) referees, and readers of Reed Elsevier journals makes us stakeholders in the Reed Elsevier business. On its website your company states that it is “committed to making genuine contributions to the science and health communities” and that it is “proud to be part of [these] communities”. We, however, are not proud to be associated with Reed Elsevier as we feel your statements are undermined by the conflict between your arms fair activities and our own ethical stance. Arms fairs, marketing the tools of violence, are a major link in the chain of the global arms trade which proliferates arms around the world and fuels a cycle of human, economic and environmental destruction. This is entirely at odds with the ethical and social obligations we have to promote the beneficial applications of our work and prevent its misuse, to anticipate and evaluate the possible unintended consequences of scientific and technological developments, and to consider at all times the moral responsibility we carry for our work. We call on Reed Elsevier to cease all involvement in arms fairs since this involvement is not compatible with our aims as stakeholders. Yours sincerely