- postsecret.blogspot.com
- Warning! Chemical Periodicity is a theory. The theory keeps changing. The theory is under dispute. Teach alternatative theories to children
- How does Europe Make Its Mind Up? Connections, cliques, and compatibility between countries in the Eurovision Song Contest…And the CT commentary on it
- Zanshin: White Wind Zen Community, Aikiweb wiki
- The talkorigins index of arguments used by creationists (impressively comprehensive)
- explandanda.com on evolutionary explanations of behaviour
- Converting out of Latex using regexps
- ‘In an emergency, disobey authority’ (Wired)
- ‘our Standard Hat, while still quite ironic, poses fewer fractal recursion issues.’ (via Merlin Mann)
- White Rose ePrints when this gets going it will be a Very Good Thing – access for all to scientific papers from the Universities of Sheffield, Leeds and York