Web objects, data visualisations and technical curios.
2021: Point-light dancer
Moving dots create the powerful impression of a human dancer (because they mark the joints, as extracted from real video of a dancer).
Uses google’s mediapipe, ffmpeg, python
2021: Experiment Design Checklist

Uses: github pages, markdown, css, CC license, github citation widget, zenodo for doi
2021: Edale Rewilding project
The bank of the river was fenced off in April 2021, preventing daily grazing by sheep. Timelapse footage shows regrowth in May and June
Uses: Browning BTC-7A trail camera, ffmpeg
2020: Correspondence of Gregory VII
This project involved taking digitised records of the Pope’s correspondence, geolocating the destinations and then various visualisations of the spatial and temporal patterns, including these maps.

And with a different map base

Blog post: ‘Holy Satan’- Visualising the Letters of Gregory VII (1073-1085) / Data set and plots: https://doi.org/10.15131/shef.data.12781049 / github repo / markdown page
Uses python & geopandas, ffmpeg
2020: Timelapse photographs of dawn
Uses: Canon digital SLR, gphoto2 and darktable on ubuntu linux, ffmpeg
2019: @choiceengine
A twitter bot which you can send messages to, in the style of a Choose Your Own Adventure / text-adventure, exploring essays about the neuroscience, psychology and philosophy of freewill.
With James Jeffries (code), Jon Cannon (design)
full text here / twitter.com/choiceengine / New Scientist article / Blog post at mindhacks.com
Uses ruby, markdown
2019: Pressure vessels
Scraping from PDF and plotting data on mental health among UK University staff, obtained by freedom of information request

Uses python and tabula
2019: Mapping The Itinerary of King Edward I
In medieval England, King visits you

With Charles West and Charlotte Tompkins
Uses python and cartopy
2019: Animated Itinerary of King John
An excuse to make animated maps …

Uses: Python and Pandas and Cartopy, ImageMagick
2018: Lazy and biased? Reanalysis of Pennycook & Rand’s (2018) data
Using open data to look more closely at a study of whether people can spot fake news

2018: Light reanalysis of Čavojová et al (2018)
Reanalysis of open data from a study of bias shows that accurate discernment is the main result, and participant bias a small variation around this baseline

2017: European map of Implicit Racial Bias
Implicit associations reflect the difference in ease with which you associate two objects. For this map we took data from a large crowdsourcing project which gathered data from ~144k white Europeans and measured the ease with which they made negative associations with black faces.
With Gittu George
Plots / code & data / The Conversation: This map shows what white Europeans associate with race – and it makes for uncomfortable reading
Uses Project Implicit data, R & ggplot
2017: Debating Sex Differences in Cognition
Showing the slides and transcript from a talk I gave summarising a graduate seminar I coordinated.

Uses: python, markdown, bash, html/css
2016: Emergent models of mind
A short course about simple computational models of memory, taught using Jupyter notebooks

Course repo / class 4 notebook on hopfield networks
Uses: python, ipython/jupyter notebooks