- Good lives: The people making a difference new series in the Guardian
- cathrynbardsley.co.uk – Updated photo galleries
- ‘You don’t have naming rights’ (leunig)
- League of stressful life events
- Awesomely designed web gallery of awesome Burning Man 2005 art
- ‘I hated going to weddings. All the grandmas would poke me saying “You’re next”. They stopped that when I started doing it to them at funerals.’ (bash.org)
- Funny – from Get Your War On
- beautifully worked out illustrations of the gestalt grouping principles
- regender the web
- Interesting discussion of feminism and privilaged women (crookedtimber)
- Mind Games: Psychological Warfare Between Therapists and Scientists – excellent article about the differences between psychological science and psychotherapy
- Article from the washington post on how low support for war in Iraq is if compared to other concerns
- ‘Of course the people don’t want war…’ etc
- ‘Storytelling is built into the fabric of the brain and if it’s not our own story we are attending to we readily latch on to others.’ (Paul Broks in The Times)