- YouTube: Continuously rising tone illusion (thanks Cuz Josh!)
- Lomber, S.G., Malhotra, S. (2008). Double dissociation of ‘what’ and ‘where’ processing in auditory cortex. Nature Neuroscience, 11(5), 609-616.
- interconnected.org ‘let me speak seriously’
- Rubot!
- Obama pledges support for Israel
- Review: “Why the mind is not a computer” by Raymond Tallis
- Mindhacks.com the meaning response
- Mindhacks.com‘placebo is not what you think’
- How to password protect a website using PHP
- No disease in brain of 115 year old woman
- the seductive allure of neuroscientific explanations
- ‘A grand unified theory of the brain’ (Friston + Bayes)
- YouTube: (except for what I forgot to do) A Thousand Kissed Deep Leonard Cohen
- Discovered of unknown Amazonian tribe: “When I saw them painted red, I was satisfied, I was happy,” he said. “Because painted red means they are ready for war, which to me say they are happy and healthy defending their territory.”
- Baldwin, M., Carrell, S., & Lopez, F. (1990). Priming Relationship Schemas: My Advisor and the Pope Are Watching Me from the Back of My Mind. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 26, 435-454.
- How the internet restructures thought
- Mindhacks.com: Review of “Kluge” by Gary Marcus
- Chomsky interview about the US ‘election cup’
One reply on “links for june 08”
Regarding that placebo link, I was wondering if the author was aware of this Slate article saying placebos just don’t work and never have.