- beautiful RT @oliverburkeman: RT @MotherJones: Best journo-job want ad ever ever: http://t.co/G6AkBj5 #
- From @jonahlehrer: success comes from sustained hard work, not native talent http://t.co/i3jSKHn #
- Alison Gopnick: studies in young children show that direct teaching hampers curiosity & understanding cf exploration http://t.co/Yl6Jh91 #
- More evidence, via @researchdigest, that napping is a good thing: a midday nap tunes out -ve emotions, tunes in +ve ones http://t.co/nyYTnx5 #
- From @jonahlehrer http://t.co/3xucleK prosocial behaviour not predicted by city size = culture is all to play for #
- From @vaughanbell: the Hallucinogenic Goggles hack http://t.co/IAXWpii #
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