- Ooooo http://opani.com/ "run your R, Octave, Matlab, and Scientific Python scripts in parallel, in the cloud, or locally" #
- Musical training benefits all auditory skills (e.g. including language skills). http://www.nature.com/nrn/journal/v11/n8/full/nrn2882.html #
- How you learn a motor skill (blocked vs interleaved practice) effects where in the brain it's stored (revealed by TMS) http://bit.ly/g6edZq #
- Progress on early indicators of Parkinson's Disease (Nature, August 2010) http://bit.ly/dTYAQn #
- Review in TINS: "Repairing the parkinsonian brain with neurotrophic factors " http://bit.ly/e7PhFF #
- Review in TICS on "Training and plasticity of working memory" http://bit.ly/frKmZI #
- Blindsight depends on connections from the lateral geniculate nucleus to extrastriate cortical areas http://bit.ly/gifYpm (Nature, 4/2010) #
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