- RT @criener: I'm too busy learning new things on the Internet to worry about how it is making me stupid. #
- Wise words RT @deevybee: New blogpost. How to survive in psychological research. http://t.co/IF5rtAt #
- just over 99 now! @dougald RT @darkmtn: Just over 100 tickets left for this year's festival http://t.co/CtBYsxy #
- .@TomCommon advertising is a 24/7 war on truth and a sense of proportion http://t.co/Fqk9JmT #
- So pleasing RT @DMReporter BREAKING: top cop gets chop after redtop belly flop. (Via @js_simons) #
- The world needs this RT @danlockton: "Math needs a new interface" http://t.co/jgoJ5jq by @worrydream. #
- After Woods and Water: "searching for the ghosts of this vanished Europe, and exploring what has grown up in its place" http://t.co/sp3Mp62 #
- Guardian "The NFL star and the brain injuries that destroyed him" http://t.co/5rfZVcb #
- I've been listening to CBC's "How to Think About Science" http://t.co/FfCScwG thanks @dougald for the recommendation! #
- RT @AlecPatton Malcolm Gladwell did a good piece on the ethical implications if brain damage is inevitable in football http://t.co/x0VYw3G #
- RT @sfcockburn: #amaconf why when the future comes is it always broken #
- Nearly half most uni's fees! @timeshighered: Low fee puts OU and partners primed to snap up ‘biddable’ places http://t.co/zP19TLS #
- So i'm using a course wiki to, in part, teaching academic writing skills. Has anyone else done this and/or written about it? #
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