- Dinosaur Comics tackles the "hundred words for snow" fallacy http://t.co/DiYPYLNE #
- RT @bakadesuyo: What's the most important lesson for improving your writing skills? http://t.co/T6btmnax #
- My free ebook is Xmas fun for all the family https://t.co/Llf7tab8 if your family is well geeky and into quirks of visual consciousness #
- More information doesn't get you out of telling stories @jonahlehrer on causation, correlation & the scientific method http://t.co/b9q4qqOB #
- Coaching psychologist, based in London: "Realizing your potential from an evidence-based perspective Dr. Anne Hsu" http://t.co/phAJ5jks #
- RT @mindhacksblog Translated post: Insegnare ed apprendere in modo efficace http://t.co/0kC6cEYp (thanks Giuliana!) #
- Original: "Make study more effective, the easy way" http://t.co/cGh4pBij #
- Team Syneseizure! Cyborg gimp mask lets you feel how things look http://t.co/Vn2nsjwJ #
- Exploring the future: Tools for strategic thinking http://t.co/Ft8MkmwL #
- Welcome to the Sigma Scan – a searchable repository for horizon scanning papers, designed for government users. http://t.co/m5tjfdBU #
- Dennett on Julian Jaynes "Julian Jaynes' Software Archeology" http://t.co/3tQiWv6H (via @frabcus) #
- Onset asymmetry in Parkinsons effects sensitivity to different kinds of religious thinking http://t.co/bKZmSZJq #
- The Portland Works project wants to ensure the survival of one of Sheffield's great buildings http://t.co/yZhe5oIQ also http://t.co/Ip44xJFp #
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