- Great @jonahlehrer column on blind wine taste-testing http://t.co/4OkyhaDJ answer: even experts can't judge reliably #
- Myself and @totalshowman tried a related experiment with tea http://t.co/gH6hJRgx #
- Talk "Educating the Innovators of the 21st Century" #sheffield 18/7/12 http://t.co/0EQDptoh #
- Talk: "Does racism continue to play a role in our mental health system" Thursday, 21st June @ 7.30pm at The Showroom cinema, #Sheffield #
- Striatum and pre-SMA as neural basis of the speed-accuracy trade-off, Forstmann et al (2008) http://t.co/3rUwUvEZ #
- The personality of early risers http://t.co/Pd59AA9E @ResearchDigest post from 2007. Morning people aren't much fun, it sounds like #
- "The structure of a bottlenose dolphin society is coupled to a unique foraging cooperation with artisanal fishermen" http://t.co/7bxn6v6U #
- Human cortical mircostimulation dates from the 1860s. On wounded soldiers. With a battery. Go Dr Hitzig. http://t.co/eGebhRoO #whoknew #
- Cruel cruel beer advert: a couple walk into the cinema and find that all the seats except theirs are filled by bikers http://t.co/nrCagJvr #
- Conformity to innocuous social norms – video of the Elevator set-up, and modern day replication http://t.co/pFxjUint #
- RT @MarkChangizi: Pinker on group selection. http://t.co/I5FrvelL #
- Playing "Gay? Or Eurotrash?". As research. http://t.co/aleIreRw #
- "Brief exposures: Male sexual orientation is accurately perceived at 50 ms" http://t.co/OKMfYY0Y Rule & Ambady (2008) #
- Berlin plan #3 Instant social knowledge through unconscious perception http://t.co/uLEyFTSM #
- UK-readable link for my @BBC_Future column on why we are curious http://t.co/ncUafXXd #
- Loving @vaughanbell's Dramatically Titled Neuroscience Story http://t.co/ZN9osfp0 and comments #
- "Bayesian just-so stories in psychology and neuroscience" http://t.co/CoC2NKNf Bowers & Davis (2012) #
- Beware Stimulus Effects in Psychology http://t.co/oagc5hrb #
- Satellite Eyes automatically changes your desktop wallpaper to the satellite view of where you are, right now. http://t.co/adDfiZwi #
- My column 'what makes us laugh?' for @BBC_Future now up at http://t.co/85RrPPSd for all to see http://t.co/luT5S4J3 #
- With great subhead from @simon_frantz "understanding laughter means understanding fundamental issues of human nature." http://t.co/luT5S4J3 #
- Cool research project http://t.co/n2wdJzrX #
- Solid gold advice for scientists from @MarkChangizi http://t.co/WuiKvR4N #
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