- Economics and Literature ‘contractual incompleteness’ and why the peasents are always lazy at crookedtimber.org
- Icosystem uses The Game to provide a practical demonstration of the following points: * Simple rules of individual behavior can lead to surprisingly coherent system level results. * Small changes in rules or in the way they are applied can have significant impact on the system level results. * Intuition can be a particularly poor guide to prediction of the behavior of complex systems above a few levels of complexity (here we have only 3). * Simulation is a powerful tool for understanding the dynamics of complex systems.
- Answers in Genesis or Answers in Science?
- International Tree Climbing Day 2005 damn, missed it, but one to look out for next year
- The politics of choice (the Guardian)
- trackback is dead (he’s right, unfortunately)
- Official secrets leaked by bad PDF know-how (how is amusing, what is terrifying)
- John Vidal remembers Bob Hunter, greenpeace member 000
- look! a list of Sheffield bloggers
- A video of a high-rise in Norfolk Park, Sheffield, being demolished by a bird flying into it (look top left) (via incurable hippie)