- a psychologist’s perspective on landmark forum / est training
- The Skeptic’s dictionary on the Landmark Forum and comments from someone who attended and Landmark Forum Large Group Seminar
- Welcome to the homoerotic haven that is MatBattle.com – the world’s first exclusively gay Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo website. including Ask Aaron The Internet’s very first gay Brazilian jiu-jitsu and judo Agony Uncle! Awesome!
- funny, uncharitable review of the new star wars movie (Peter Bradshaw in the Guardian)
- Like a rolling stone? (another piece of dylan mythos)
- 50 things every foodie should do before they die
- Syllabus for Economics 308: Agent-Based Computational Economics (ACE)
- Photographer Ken Jarecke talks about his 1991 shot of an incinerated Iraqi soldier, which was at first regarded by many editors as too disturbing to print, but later became one of the most famous images of the first Gulf War
- Hilbert’s Paradox of the Grand Hotel (wikipedia)
- All this effort, all these virtual worlds, all this structured play. All this effort
- Overheard on the tube: I’ve been reading Camus. He’s a kind of soft cheese.
- 24 eyes, four parallel brains and 60 arseholes Andrew Brown thinks he has discovered a golden physiological ratio common to successful, albeit primitive, forms of organisation
- Give us more promiscuity Celebrity Love Island and Feminist Politics (Zoe Williams, The Guardian)