- alanwatts.com – includes audio archive
- If Yoda did show tunes
- George Galloway’s testament to the US Senate
- Store Wars – the organic rebellion
- Gary Younge on the racism of complaining about immigration when all the shit jobs are done by immigrants (or at least in London they are)
- Unconsoluted; piano playing is only clue to mysterious amnesics identity
- Can you teach someone to write drama? (The Guardian)
- Taxonomies of Love: Limerance, Rapport, Attraction
- Cosma Shalizi on what physicists have to offer the sociological study of networks
- Zoe Williams on cycling (if you’ve cycled in london, read this!)
- ‘One friend asked my wife if “it’s boring being a vegetarian”, her answer was “only when you have to answer the same stupid questions over and over again”‘
- The top 10 new intellectual movements not yet invented but sure to rock the world in the 21st Century. (not interesting, but hectic times?)