- ‘But when you have an invading army that doesn’t care about good government, and an invaded country that doesn’t care for it, the liberal imperialist project can only discredit liberalism and imperialism both’ (helmintholog)
- Born Again Sinner – by Kizer Ohno
- pandora.com. ‘Create your own personal radio station’. This may be useful when registering: list of all US zip codes
- Taking the Permission Society seriously (StayFree on why copyright can be ridiculous)
- First: “It could happen here”, but as important “it did not happen everywhere”
- dougald.co.uk – ‘I’m a journalist, writer and activist based in Sheffield, South Yorkshire’
- localism means inequality and injustice (Peter Preston in the Guardian)
- Extract from Vonnegut’s memoires ‘So I am a man without a country, except for the librarians and a Chicago paper called In These Times.’
- Hardin goes on to say that business success is more often achieved by fashioning “a bifurcation in the accounting system that channels the costs of [the] enterprise to society, while directing the profits to [the entrepreneur].” This is making the costs common and the profit private, hence the appellation, “CC-PP.”
- Compare and contrast. Google image search for “tiananmen square”. Google China and Google UK
- US govt. official statements on iraq’s WMD aka ‘What a tangled web we weave’
One reply on “links for 26th January 2006”
Thanks for the mention.