- Pixresizer is an awesome little app for resizing batches of photos (Windows)
- MASH and the Struggle of Life Against Death
- If the world’s wealth were divided equally, how much would each of us have? (the straight dope)
- Bush gropes Merkel – the press say ‘she asked for it’
- Lest we forget Tristram Hunt in the Guardian
on the nation’s failure to celebrate our radical history - ‘And humanities graduates in the media, who suspect themselves to be intellectuals, desperately need to reinforce the idea that science is nonsense: because they’ve denied themselves access to the most significant developments in the history of western thought for 200 years, and secretly, deep down, they’re angry with themselves over that.’ The paradoy theory of science journalism, from Ben Goldacre’s award-winning “Don’t Dumn Me Down” article
- A simple Coasian test for some kinds of economic bollocks CT article knocking Slate’s ‘Everyday Economics’ columnist (which also contains the wonderful quote ‘This is argument by hypothetical revealed preference , a favourite device of economists when talking about people with lives wildly different to their own but who are not interesting enough to do proper research on.’
- ‘In essence, the theorem states that in the absence of transaction costs, all government allocations of property are equally efficient, because interested parties will bargain privately to correct any externality.’ Wikipedia article on Coase’s Theorum.
- ‘one way of stating Coase’s insight is that the problem is not really due to externalities at all, but to transaction costs. If there were externalities but no transaction costs there would be no problem, since the parties would always bargain to the efficient solution. When we observe externality problems (or other forms of market failure) in the real world, we should ask not merely where the problem comes from, but what the transaction costs are that prevent it from being bargained out of existence.’ (David Friedman)
- Robert M. Young’s Ideal curriculum for a psychology degree
- Free fonts!
- Goddammit if this ain’t the truth. Speaking of which: Atheist vitriol (quotes)