- BBC Radio 4 Nick Hunt’s Journey of a Lifetime
- Mistake making linked to success
- Semen as a psychoactive drug
- Roy F. Baumeister: Is There Anything Good about Men?
- Johann Hari against green consumerism
- waronthemotorist.wordpress.com: I don’t pay road tax
- The true size of Africa
- YouTube: Joel Burns tells gay teens “it gets better”
- ‘This is a news website article about a scientific finding’
- Guardian.co.uk : Steven Johnson: ‘Eureka moments are very, very rare’ “the vast majority of major innovations since 1800 have come from outside the free market – from universities and other environments where profit wasn’t the overwhelming motivation”
- ‘At night the hilliness creates fine effects because you look across from one hillside to the other and see the lamps twinkling like stars’ One of the few nice things George Orwell said about Sheffield
- Monbiot on the recent ‘Common Cause’ report ‘By changing our perception of what is normal and acceptable, politics alters our minds as much as our circumstances’
- WWF Common Cause report
- ‘Carlos the Jackal was my friend’ Undercover in the world of international terrorism
- Matt Webb talks about “fractional AI” at the DO lectures
- ‘here, just by answering a few short questions, you can find out where you lie in the Great Britain income distribution’