- No better tribute for our ebook than this "After reading it, I had the first lucid dream I had had in a long time" http://t.co/xirdYr40 #
- My brother just got in touch. "Is academic publishing really this bad? http://t.co/MxwlaX9b" he asks. All together now…."It's WORSE!" #
- Research blogging: http://t.co/MaxKtPWA my paper in Frontiers tells you why one of the oldest claims in cognitive science is wrong #
- Are there any demonstrable benefits of being illiterate? No surprise if illiterates score worse on tests, but do they ever score better? #
- So, the FFA – probably roughly behind your ears, right? #
- "Insightful and very well written. A great introduction to lucid dreaming" https://t.co/LH4WFI3h #
- Action of caffeine specific to the BG RT @edyong209: Why isn't caffeine as addictive as cocaine? HT @scicurious http://t.co/0padNu2K #
- Interview with me about, er, various topics in cognitive science http://t.co/12PMgPp4 #
- How do social psychs appear to an outsider? "Metacognition in the practice of narrating psychological scholarship" http://t.co/tiYFC6tL #
- Should we worry about Facebook? I think it boils down to a psychological question about manipulation http://t.co/Rr7ACNOA thoughts? #
- Damning RT @annefgreaves Map of museums with @ace_national Renaissance funding http://t.co/IlFo6e9f Notice the gap? #savesheffieldmuseums #
- Good reasons not to take cocaine: Incredible interactive map of Mexican drug war by @diegovalle http://t.co/dBo5u04Y via @neurobonkers. #
- STFC Public Engagement Fellowships 2012 http://t.co/nF2mbJ3Z #
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