- Academics: what is a reasonable time to wait after submitting a paper before nudging the editor for a response? #
- tbh, those "wettest summer for 100 years" stats don't work for me. I'd rather have a headline which reported a z score. Or is that just me? #
- Nottingham #
- "Stopped clocks and dead phones" My BBC column from last week, now live on http://t.co/85RrPPSd http://t.co/GkENyjMh #
- Go Estonia! But how do you teach a six year old to code? Anyone? #
- Meanwhile, in the basement of consciousness, the clocks have stopped and phones gone dead http://t.co/GkENyjMh #
- Welcome to the Academy! RT @jamesb I'm doing a bit of teaching http://t.co/RBOYgpvZ #
- Elsevier support just told me that 4 months is typical for "under review" stage. cc @PsychScientists @chrisdc77 @JimGrange @MarcusMunafo #
- Browsing the "Psychology" section of a 2nd hand bookshop provides good evidence that people have no idea what psychology is #
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