- Wsj: 'This Isn't Candid Camera, It's a Science Project' http://t.co/Hkdv8jsr that'd be me in Berlin then. #
- Buy the New Statesman so you can read @stevenpoole being cruel, so cruel – but fair – about neuroscientism #
- Virtue ethics is due a major comeback IMO #
- Psychology in the Pub on Sleep, Learning and Memory, Oct 11, Showroom, #Sheffield Maybe this link'll work: https://t.co/ocgylD26 #
- This link is considerably useful if you are coming to study at the University of Sheffield this month http://t.co/aus3vIPP #
- My next column for @BBC_Future problematises drawing clear conclusions from psych research. Tricky. It's hard to be liked for problematising #
- Why you pay more: auction psychology http://t.co/QEAZaJTt my latest for @BBC_Future (UK readable link) #
- "Nonconscious activation of placebo and nocebo pain responses" http://t.co/eVbRZNkX #
- The 'subliminal' nature of the stimulus presentation is suspect – they use a yes/no recognition test (the expt DV reqs. only 2AFC discrim) #
- Myths in the way of clear academic prose http://t.co/YbzrfU1i Helen Sword in @timeshighered #
- Teaching questions rather than answers #
- What scene from any play/movie/book best exemplifies the moment where someone comes to the alarming realisation that the game has changed? #
- To clarify: I'm not interested in the feeling that the pieces have moved, but that the very rules of the game are different from before #
- This is more than just surprise. #
- The greatest hits…of Cognitive Modelling http://t.co/vYBRjsDB provided by Gary Cottrell #
- Our @FestivalMind event: the public votes which research gets funded http://t.co/Lwl0pKhg now on twitter as @MindsInvestors #Sheffield #
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