- Can anyone spare me $9k so I can buy a fibre optic keyboard for use in the scanner? #
- Really?! RT @frabcus Genius. Plugin that tells you which scientific paper was source of bad newspaper journalism. http://t.co/9LlKXnKD #
- The advertising dollar makes its own judgement of the future of the newspaper business http://t.co/FeYpWeV1 #
- My colleague Danielle Matthews is on Radio Sheffield at 11am talking about her study into early language development http://t.co/yQPtPzPb #
- Cancel that, she's been bumped. But she's still looking for parents of young children to take part in the study http://t.co/yQPtPzPb #
- Okay, so what's a fun saturday night in NYC for a week saturday? #
- A good popular science book makes you part of the scientific conversation. http://t.co/SmanoW1F @MarkChangizi in 2010 #
- Auction psychology http://t.co/nXm7TGbV My latest for @BBC_Future now up at http://t.co/85RrPPSd #
- "Blinding, fierce, shockingly electric" What it's like to be stung by a Tarantula Hawk Wasp, courtesy of the http://t.co/PK6cN9Qu #
- This is your brain on twitter #
- "let’s not be too hard on phrenology while taking out the neurotrash." says @stevenpoole http://t.co/U0Ekt6k8 #
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