Reviewing my twitter feed for the year (as part of writing a review of the year), I found some links that I’d posted which didn’t receive the wild endorsement I thought they deserved, so I’m reposting them here.
- Pokemon Go is a mass demon summoning that’s destroying our reality. Occult readings of behaviour change are too rare IMO
- A Certain Gesture: Evnine’s Batman Meme Project. A social media art project! Philosophy performing itself!
- Dino Dana is 9 year old who loves dinosaurs and is generally awesome. Recommend (if you have kids)
- Do Credit Card Companies Screen for Behavioral Biases?. tl;dr you betcha they do!
- In which @clnichols6 argues that portraying reciprocal behavioural adaption is a compelling novelists’ trick
- The white flight of Derek Black incredible story of belief revision
- “The things I want to do are strange, simple, and unprofitable”. Paul Ford’s meditation on 20 years of blogging and the web that once was