- That neat evolutionary psychology waist to hip ratio story about female attractiveness? More complicated than that http://t.co/jDOFjtnL #
- Last link from and via @PsychScientists – thanks guys! #
- up to 10 fully funded PhD studentships to start in 2012 offered in Dept of Psychology at @sheffielduni http://t.co/D23CpBFO #
- And in other news, the University of Sheffield has been named "University of the Year" http://t.co/YJsFUwOT #
- "We don't need to understand engines to drive a car, why do we need to understand code to use a computer?" says interviewer #
- Correct analogy is "read maps". Without code you just drive your computer around your home town, never able to go anywhere new #radio4 #
- Convinced that queues are the ideal experimental paradigm to investigate the construction and maintainence of social norms #
- Senior Lectureship in Cognitive Science and Decision Making, University of Manchester http://t.co/3fvRGcmP #
- Shalizi: "what is economically efficient is a function of our social arrangements, of who owns how much of what" http://t.co/PFf5pafg #
- From: the shire, To:Mordor. Via the M6 http://t.co/kEVDLXzj #
- +1 day! Vaughan is the http://t.co/85Rwnq1n 99% RT @vaughanbell Just noticed that Mind Hacks blog is 7 years old today http://t.co/NDVd9w39 #
- Giving a 'psychology for non-psychologists' talk next Thursday in Manchester. In a bar. Title "thinking meat" http://t.co/xlnlKulN #
- I'll be talking mind, brain and how to understand the self in an age of neuroscience http://t.co/xlnlKulN #
- RT @mariapage: Oh no… It's true… 🙁 Sad day for neuroscience "Obituary: Professor Jon Driver" – http://t.co/932yCxnt #
- Great 2008 paper from @sianbeilock : When does haste make waste? http://t.co/y4NsEMiH Skilled motor perf. enhanced by prioritising speed #
- Richard Shiffrin runs an annual Cognitive Science Conference, ASIC, held at different outdoor adventure sites http://t.co/UqZTeTZ4 #
- RT @Psych_Writer Dodgy research practices are rife in psychology. Details of an alarming new survey: http://t.co/oWzYElVs #
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